Rock Star Blog

The Rock Star Process!

By Ronnette Urbach | July 17, 2024

Are you curious about what it’s like to work with us? Are you nervous about the possibility of having some new folks in your home? Have you never worked with a professional decluttering and organizing service before? Let’s chat! At Rock Star we understand that embarking on this journey can be exciting and daunting. That’s…

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How I Help ADHD Clients Declutter, Organize, and Thrive in Their Home

By Ronnette Urbach | April 15, 2024

Welcome to Rock Star, where organization meets compassion, clutter transforms into clarity, and ADHD challenges are handled with education, respect, and curiosity. I’m passionate about serving my neurodivergent folks. Let’s chat about how I do it! Delving into Executive Challenges First and foremost, understanding each client’s unique executive challenges is paramount. ADHD isn’t a one-size-fits-all…

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Is Your Household Overwhelm Impacting Your Health?

By Ronnette Urbach | April 1, 2024

In today’s chaotic world maintaining a household can often become overwhelming. From coordinating kids’ extracurricular activities to carrying the mental load for your family needs and keeping up with the relentless level of household chores, it’s easy to feel like you are drowning in your home. However many fail to realize that this isn’t just…

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