Rock Star Blog
I love fresh starts—the start of each season, each school year, and of course, the new year. The new year brings an exciting sparkle to new goals and dreams and an exciting energy to make big things happen. While I’m a fan of fresh starts, the new year, and goals, I squirm when “finally getting…
Read MorePeople become overwhelmed with their homes for many reasons, and I can tell you that they are all valid reasons. Many of our clients struggle with ADD or chronic illnesses, which can add layers of challenges to an already difficult situation. I’m not going to dig too much into those circumstances right now. Today I…
Read MoreShame and overwhelm are two things that holds folks back from hiring decluttering and organizing services, and man alive does that break my heart. We have worked hard at Rock Star to build a very safe presence for folks in this category, and our passion and mission are to bring gentleness and zero judgment to…
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