Rock Star Blog

The Dark Side of Gift Giving

By Ronnette Urbach | November 2, 2019

It’s here.   The holiday season is upon us. Whether you’re a Martha Stewart wanna-be coordinating your napkins and drapes to your gluten-free sweet potato pie, or you’re in denial and looking for affordable airline tickets to leave the country, the days are upon us and with the season comes clutter.   Schedule clutter, extra-inches-around-our-waist…

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By Ronnette Urbach | October 17, 2019

Does your home feel crowded? Cluttered? Are you overwhelmed and do not know where to start?   Oh friend, you are SO not alone!   I was once there too; getting started is the hardest part when we decide to simplify our life. Clutter can accumulate in our physical environment, our schedules, and the number…

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